About Us
Small Jewish communities have populated the San Bernardino County area and even pockets of the San Bernardino mountains since 1850. B'nai Big Bear was formed about 25 years ago when growth in the Bear Valley area was at its highest. Although membership fluctuates as its members move up and down the hill, B'nai Big Bear has been able to offer High Holiday Services, Chanuka, Purim, Passover and shabbat/Havdalla events continuously whether in rain, snow or drought, since it was formed.
B'nai Big Bear is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. We are a small mountain congregation tucked away in the pristine San Bernardino mountains. Our members come from a diverse range of Jewish backgrounds, including Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform, as well as Jews who have chosen to convert to Judaism. Our members are families that live in Big Bear, have a vacation home here and families living in Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Bernardino Counties who visit Big Bear often.
We welcome Jews of all traditions and believe that different backgrounds enrich our collective experience. B'nai Big Bear is a IRS 501(c)3 charitable organization. While we are not a "Pay to Pray" synagogue, we do charge a modest membership fee and appreciate all donations.
You do not have to be a member to participate in any B'nai Big Bear function.
B'nai Big Bear
You bring the imagination!
PO Box 3677
Big Bear Lake
CA 92315
A Reform Congregation