B'nai Big Bear
PO Box 3677
Big Bear Lake
CA 92315
Please join us for our annual Hanukkah Celebration.
The Jewish Festival of Lights
Led By Elizabeth Arkin
Spiritual Leader
When: Sunday, December 5th
Time: 1:00pm
Where: The Arkin's
What to bring: Your Favorite main course or dessert.
Cost: Member (Donation)
Cost: Non-Member (Donation)
Please RSVP
Menorah lighting
(Please feel free to bring your menorah)
Traditional Songs and Teachings
Gift Exchange (Bring a $10 gift!): If you want to participate in the Gift Exchange, please bring a wrapped $10 new gift for each person participating. Please note that if you have children, you would need to also purchase a children's gift for each child (please mark the gift "child").
A Reform Congregation
Chef Allan will make Latkas. What will you bring?